2013 The Year Of Efficiency

2013 The Year Of Efficiency


I’m making 2013 the year of efficiency and in order to do that I need to make things work well together and ditch the things that don’t.

I have a feeling that this is going to become an running list so I’ll most likely will be coming back and adding more to this as the last of 2012 is coming to a close.

  • I need to get better with email
    • I’m ditching Sparrow on the Mac (after Google for the most part killed it off) in favor of PostBox.
    •  It also works well with OmniFocus and Things too.
  • I need to use Omnifocus for everything
  • I switched to BusyCal a few months ago, iCal is annoying when Google Calendar goes wonky.
  • I need to add TextExpander to my workflow.
  • I need to store everything in 1Password
    • 1Password is available for Mac and iOS.
    • I need to plug all my site licenses, app licenses and passwords into this thing
    • I need to use 1Password on iOS as my default browser for accessing password protected sites
    • I need to refresh all my passwords
  • I need to store more stuff on Evernote, I only use it for Skitch currently.
  • I need to research mindmapping for iOS and Mac. I need to do more mindmaps during meetings.

What are you changing in 2013? Are you using any of the above? What should I be looking at further?