Applying focus to only a few personal projects this new year

Good Morning! It’s Day 1 of January the first day of the new year. I’ve been thinking a lot about all the things I’ve done, started and haven’t completed and have realized that I need to ditch a bunch of projects I don’t have time for and only focus on the ones I do. Most of these projects have some monetary cost to me each year in the form of a domain name, here is what I’m keeping to start:
Domains to keep
Domains to ditch
What I have realized is I haven’t applied focus on the projects that matter to me and haven’t found a way to apply a value to the ones I love, mainly in the form of monetization. I’m giving myself a year to monetize a few of my keepers and then I’ll reevaluate next year which I’m keeping.
It’s just about money?
Yes, when it comes to these they each cost money but all of them could make money but the passion for me isn’t there. The top 5 domains to ditch were show ideas that I wanted to do, most fall under the WPwatercooler umbrella anyhow. The photography one was back when gTLDs came out and I wanted to build a photography site, my photography is a hobby, stuff can be posted on instead. was a show I did with an old friend, the domain has value and I’m trying to sell it but haven’t got much leads on it. This year I’ll try selling it again and see if I can get more than $100 for it. was an idea to provide churches with the tools needed to build an IT or AV infrastructure and the site would guide them on what other churches are using in this space, I didn’t have time to get it to take off but I thing the domain has value, do you?
Are you cleaning out your domain closets? How do you go about getting rid of them?
How to monetize a domain
Running advertisements on your website seems to be the simplest way to do any type of monetization. The other way to go about it is to write blog posts and put affiliate links in there so that when people like your idea and want to try to execute it themselves they can just click on the link in your article and purchase the product or service that you’re talking about and you’ll make a little bit of money.
The other way to monetize domain name that you no longer want is to try to sell it the simplest way to do that is just to put up a for sale sign on the domain name and then if somebody comes by and sees it they may want to buy it from you. So far I’ve used and to try and sell my domain names.
Monetizing what I want to keep
As for the projects that I’m keeping most of them will most likely end up having to either some affiliate links or advertisements that I’ll run on the site myself or in the form of me speaking that advertisement on a podcast or YouTube show. My struggle here is that I’m not very good at selling so I need to figure out a good way to be able to sell ad space on my different podcast and YouTube shows so that I could make some money from them. For a long while now on the WPwatercooler we’ve never had advertisements in any form, I’d like to see if I can change that this year. Once I do I’d like to also continue to do this on WPblab so that there is some form of income that’s coming from it. Have you ever sold a speaking advertisement on a podcast?
All month long we at WPblab are hosting something we’re calling “Just Create January” hoping to inspire folks to create, share and interact with others all month long in January