C-Section Class
Last night Jen and I went to the C-Section class that the hospital was throwing. 7 couples showed up and they explained to all of us how the operation will go down. Since this is my first one I really wanted to know how the flow went, where does mom go, where does the baby go, do i need to be with mom when the baby is in the nursery. Fortunatly all my questions were answered. Then they showed 2 videos (one on vhs and one on DVD, the vhs one was jacked up the first couple of minutes) the first was some people talking about c-sections and whatever. The second was a trip, It reminds me of that “RED CONCRETE” or whatever video they show in Drivers Ed class. Well, it wasnt like that, but the chick made you think it was gunna be like that. Mainly all it was, was one of those shows they show on TLC or discovery channel where they do the full on macro lense operation. They show ya every cut, and how the baby comes out. Some guy there in the room wasnt having it and never looked up. Another was discusted by the whole thing. Me? I was totally cool, I can eat during the brain surgery episodes. As for real life? no clue, specially since its my wife.
After the vid they talked about all the stages, and the difference between scheduled c-section and emergency ones. What their differences are and what to expect. Jen wasnt all that thrilled being there. The op for her will be mainly her looking at a blue tarp as they work on her belly. She really didnt wanna see what goes on over there. I cant blame her, this is tough, but shes a trooper and holds her own.
8 more days…