GeekFit Relaunched

Steve and I relaunched GeekFit this week, we’re both looking for motivation and it looks like us yapping it up is the way to go. I’ve been working on hacking up the site design and making sure all the podcast directories know we still exist. See, its been 7 months since we last hit record on that podcast and well, the RSS feed has dried up. Some of the directories have been doing their cleaning and have dropped us. What sucks is that I spent 3 days listing us on every podcast directory out there. I really don’t want to do that again.

My wife is pleased that I actually talked and carried my own weight on the show. In previous episodes I was kinda on the side with Steve running the show. Now that I have a few podcasts going I’m more comfortable behind the mic and don’t mind making an ass out of myself. Give us a few more episodes and we should be a pretty solid show.

If you haven’t checked out GeekFit or have no clue what I’m taking about click the link below and press the play button on the website. The show is < 30 minutes long and should be easy to work into your day 🙂

GeekFit Podcast #22 [Feed] [iTunes]