JasonandJen.com relaunch

I have relaunched JasonAndJen.com using WordPress 2.0. I’m having a few CSS issues with Mac IE but other than that its working pretty well.

I have added a few cool things to the blog:

  • Falbum – which allows me to display my Flickr photos on the blog instead of passing the viewer over to flickr. [Demo]
  • Nice Archives – this makes the archives list prettier
  • FeedWordPress – This will let me pull in feeds from the family members blogs and have them be displayed on the front page of the blog. It makes it looks like they posted the entried there. I’m thinking of setting some flags so only certain posts get shown on the site. I’m still working the bugs out on this one
  • Family Bios – I wanted to make the site have more than just basic posts and no real content, so I thought that having each of our bios on the site would allow people to get to know us better. Down the road each person can add more info as they get older. Who cares right? Exactly.. but its fun so shut up! 🙂
  • Birthday Countdown
  • I’m going to setup a countdown for each persons bithday and our anniversary and set links for wish lists on amazon for each person. Why not, ya know?

  • Family member cameraphone pictures – I’m setting up a page that shows all of the pictures that each of us has taken with our camera phone and have been uploaded to flickr. Flickr adds a tag “moblog” to each picture so I’ll use that tag to pull in those pictures.