Mars Edit

Mars Edit

So I was talking to Shelly of Shelly’s Podcast today and she mentioned Mars Edit. I’ve tried it in the past and didn’t like the fact that I couldn’t interface with some of the addons that I use in wordpress. One of which is PodPress, which I use to post my podcasts on my blog.

Mars Edit seems to be a great way to interact with my blog quickly and easily and be able to do so with multiple blogs. I’ll give it a shot for my next few postings and see if it sticks.

Jessalyn and Jason
Here is a picture of my daughter Jessalyn and I at the park.

media.jpg Mars Edit gives me the ability to access pictures located on my blogs server as well as images in flickr. The pic from above is from flickr. The picture on the left is a screengrab from my mac uploaded using Mars Edit’s built in upload to blog feature. This uses XMLRPC to upload the image to the blog quickly and easily.


Mars Edit can be found at: