My experience with OHatDL – Week 3

So it’s been two weeks since I started @OHatDL and and I thought I’d talk about whats been going on with it.
- Redesigned the website (thanks to Becky over at PodcastDesigns for the cool looking interface)
- Began displaying statistics from the data collected in the DB, looking to expand on it once I figure out what else I want to display.
- Visited the park a few times myself and learned to tune in to what people say and tweet about it. I’ve been overhearing some funny stuff and have been posting it. My latest favorite can be found here: Regret tat
- Began a link sharing campaign with a few Disney forums and websites along with a couple of podcasts, if your interested in doing so please contact me.
- Hoping that since @Oprah is now on twitter I can get some more “civilians” using the OHatDL service.
- People love to share stuff they overhear and people that find the site / twitter account think that @ohatdl is the one posting these and don’t realize that @ohatdl is just a collecting / redistro mechanism for the #ohatdl community.
- People don’t understand the #hashtag concept all that much yet. I have a few plans for that.
- now has a submission box as long as you have a twitter account it will do the submission for you. (all it does currently is pass the query over to in their input box including the #hashtag, its a start)
So if you visit any of the Disney parks feel free to post your “overheards” by using my service, @ohatdl. I look forward to reading the fun things you hear.