OC Fair 2006

Jen, Jessalyn & I went to the OC Fair this past Sunday. Chris and Caitlin were with their dad helping him move so they didn’t get to go with us this time. The plan was to walk around and check out the fair and then after dinner we’d watch the free demolition derby. Jen and I came last year to see this event and it was way fun to watch so we had to see it again. We walked around the fair and looked at all the crazy products after that we went and checked out the art area and looked at all the photos and paintings. One of the artists named “Mark Gregory Hosmer” did these awesome oil paintings. He did this awesome technique where he captures an urban scene that is very dark and full of shadows. The real trick is where is would paint in the light source and show how the shadows would be cast. He does urban scenes such as the elevation outside of a warehouse or the elevation view of a house. Most of these paintings shows the front porch light on, with some street lights and other ajacent properties with their lights on. Unfortunatly I cant find a website for this artist and my description isnt doing the art justice.

After the photos and paintings we had dinner and then got in this MASSIVE line to see the demo derby. At one point Jen and I were going to back out since the line was soo long. I held my ground even though the line felt like it was two miles long and we did end up getting seats with no problem. The demolition derby was awesome, so awesome in fact that I recorded some of it with my camera and below is the video (just click and it will play).

[gv data=”http://www.youtube.com/v/cZw3rj1-Jtk”][/gv]

We also took some pictures too:

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