OMG its cold

Man this house sucks at holding in heat. We have one of those houses where it doesn’t have an attic so it doesn’t have the ability to hold in the heat. I’ve ran around the house making sure all of the windows are closed and that the window coverings are being used. Jen wants me to run a test of the heating system and make sure everything is cleaned out. I’ll most likely do this sometime this week depending on how cold it gets.

This time off (thurs – sun) was much appreciated:

Thurs: I installed the Xmas lights on the house. Later we went to my Mom’s house and had a good Thanksgiving Dinner. I got to hang out with my brother and talked to my mom about some stuff that needed to be discussed. The kids had a good time killing each other in multiplayer xbox goodness. Good Times(R)

Fri: Was date day, Jen’s Mom came over and watched the kids while we went out and watched Harry Potter. Later in the day the whole family went out shopping; we went to Brea mall and later drove to La Puente mall since they had a few stores we needed to visit. At La Puente we went into Old Navy and moments later Chris told Jen his stomach hurt and needed to sit down. She took him outside and Caitlin and I finished up our shopping. When we walked out Chris was crying and Jen told me we had to go home. We were scared it was his apendix or something but it was on the wrong side for it to had been that *shrug, I’m no doctor, I just play one on TV*. Jen said it was cool if Caitlin and I went back out since It was still early so we headed to Target, then to La Puente Mall. It was fun to hang out with her, we laughed, talked about the people around us, and had a nice dinner at Johnny Rockets. When we came home Chris was feeling better.

Sat: Kelly came over and hung out with us. We had tacos for dinner with her and the girls. I got this bright idea of hacking a CVS One Time Use Digital Camera. I drove to CVS and bought the camera, then went to “99 cent only store” and bought a few USB and SERIAL Palm sync cables to make my own camera dump cable.

Sun: Messed more with the dump cable, i still havent gotten it to work, im not sure if its the supplies or the aweful soldering job I did. I went to a few other 99cent stores to find more sync cables and then to Walmart. I tool Jessalyn with me and we had a good time hanging out. I’ve gotten to the point with her that I can make her smile on command.. wel, I smile and she smiles back. I say “Pretty Girrrrrrrllllyyyyy” and she does the flirty smile. Yes, my daughter rocks. The fam ate out at Sonic Burger, man do they make an awesome Gingerbread Sonic Blast.