Steve and I recorded a new episode of GeekFit last night and I think it went pretty well. I was having some computer problems that I still need to sort out before the next show. We record what is known as a “double ender” where I record my side live into the editing software and Steve records into an iRiver. When we are done Steve sends me the resulting mp3 file which just contains his side of the conversation.
In a perfect world I’d like to have him record into his computer using a pro mic with a pop filter. Both of us have noisy home offices that we record from so last night I tried something new and used SoundSoap. SoundSoap is a VST plugin that can be used in various sound editing apps including the one I use, Adobe Audition. SoundSoap did a pretty damn good job of removing a hum I had on my side of the recording and it did an “OK” job of removing some weird hiss on Steves side. The hum on my side could be from a few things in my house: Waterheater, Pipes in the walls and my computer with its many fans. Steve’s side sounded like a fan or some vibration from the iriver sitting on his desk. Once Steve gets his new computer I may see if he could flip for a new recoding setup. We’ll see what he says 🙂
Scott (from This Married Life and The Curbside Investigator) and I went to our second OC Podcasters meeting in south OC and they discussed the upcoming 2nd Annual Podcast & Portable Media Expo. Scott and I volunteered to help setup and man the booth that they we as a group will have on the show floor. Scott and I are pretty excited about this chance to meet our favorite podcasters as well as podcast live from the event. OC Podcasters also need a new website so I will be working with Adam (from MacCast.com who is also a member) on the new website. I’m stoked to find out that Adam is an avid WordPress user so we should end up with a pretty kickass and feature rich website.
Welp, I’m off to design some shirts for the Podcast Expo, I’m thinking of designing 3 shirts for the various podcast ventures I’m involved in and change into each one throughout the show.
Have a great rest of your weekend!