Project: Overheard at Disneyland

My Wife Jen ( @jentucker ) and I ( @jasontucker ) were standing in line for Indian Jones at Disneyland one day and overheard some people talking about the various “paths” that they have rode on the ride. The misconception that there are more than one path in the ride is quite common and I’d imagine this has spread by the phenomenon known as “Overheard at Disneyland”. So while Jen and were overhearing this I thought what if we were to come up with a way using mobile technology to capture these “overheards” and present them to the public to laugh or shake their heads along with us.
Twitter in all of its simplistic glory was the way to make this happen. So while waiting in line for an ice cream about 20 minutes later I created @OHatDL account and bought the domain… all over my iphone 🙂 I also went and setup the mechanism using a 3rd party to facilitate accepting twitter direct messages to @OHatDL to be tweeted on the persons behalf. After that I sent out the first tweet to the account:
Now we’re cooking with gas: Twitter, GroupTweet, and The rest of the day was spent listening to people say goofy stuff and tweeting about it. Since it was almost time for us to go home we only got a few more gems posted.
So next time your at Disneyland and you overhear something funny, silly, odd, or just plain weird send a tweet over to @ohatdl and we’ll share it with the world on your behalf 🙂
Not on Twitter? Really? I’ve heard of people like you 🙂 Head over to and sign up OR txt message 40404 and you can setup an account via text message.