Simply Spoilers Podcast

I’ve hosted a few podcasts over the last few years and I’m looking to add another one to my list. WPwatercooler, my most recent one has gone strong for the last 90+ episodes and has been a joy each week to record. I’ve wanted to start a new one with a non technical slant yet something I can have fun with. The technical stuff is fun to me but that’s easy, I wanted to do something that is a bit outside of that.
My new podcast idea: TV and movies
On my drive home today I was thinking of a few ideas and came up with the idea of doing a show where we could talk about movies and tv shows but without having to deal with “spoiler alerts”. With WPwatercooler we talk about one topic and thats it, no jumping from topic to topic so people know what to expect on the show.
Simply Spoilers
With Simply Spoilers [YouTube|Twitter|Google+|Facebook] we’ll be talking about one movie with a few small segments, I’ve learned that the sweet spot is 20-30 minutes for a show like this and with just Chad and I that should work out just fine. We may end up bringing in a guest from time to time just to mix it up a bit.
The concept
Our goal is to have a free form discussion about the tv show or movie without having to worry about if the person has seen the show yet, if you aren’t caught up on a show or haven’t seen the movie you’ll know what we’re talking about based on the title. Our content will have a longer shelf life since DVRs and systems like NetFlix allow for binge watching.
My Co-host Chad
I’ve been friends with Chad for a few years now, we met one another through some mutual “Disney Friends” and we both tolerate one another and kept in touch, see one another at the Parks and have a good time doing so. Chad was on my show The Passholders as one of our regulars. We’re taking a break from The Passholders for a bit and we thought this concept of movie and tv reviews sounded like a fun way to see each other and talk on a more regular basis. Chad love music, movies as well as plenty of TV like I do. He’s a huge horror fan (the kind that watch movies at cemeteries) and loves watching old movies at small theaters. Chad runs a website Days In The Park and writes about pop culture and sports over at Stabley Times.
Help me out, if you don’t mind.
I’m looking forward to seeing how this project works out for us, please help us out by visiting these links and liking, subscribing, retweeting and sharing all the stuff we put out over there Simply Spoilers [YouTube|Twitter|Google+|Facebook].