Softball tryouts & Saturday planning

It started to rain at 10:10am this morning, Caitlin has tryouts at Noon and the leagues website says “In the event of rain, please check the LHGSA Hotline at (XXX) XXX-XXXX for revised evaluation dates/times or check the website.” I called and it looks like they didnt do a voice update. Oh well, their site does say that the last tryouts are next weekend. Jen and I think its gunna be a madhouse that day since everyone will be crammed in all at once. We’ll see how that goes.

Today I’m going to try and rebuild my work laptop and see if it is the OS at fault or the harddrive. Either way I’m gunna back up all my data to a usb external I borrowed from work. I’m stupid for not keeping all that data on the laptop backed up, I’ll need to reevaluate that and find a way to make it easy and convenient to back up the stuff on there at a weekly or daily intervals.

This week I bought a cork board to put into my office. I plan to device the board up into 4 parts representing the 4 weeks of a month. I’m planning on tacking on to each bills and other things I need to deal with for that particular week. I may end up getting one of those IN boxes like I have at work to hang under it for stuff that needs to be sorted. My current InBox situation on my desk between my monitor and keyboard is just a joke.

Lastly Im gunna clean and maybe rearrange my office a bit. There are too many places for me to just put stuff, and its starting to get annoying.

Have a great weekend.

Caitlin with Jessalyn’s bib on, yeah the cameraphone and the lack of lighting make this picture suck 🙂