The “ping” that went “PANG!”

My Toshiba laptop’s hard drive died today. I was working on getting our new mail server up and running and I was drafting up an email and i heard a “ping ping pingPANG! scratch scratch scratch click!” uhh? WTF? Sure enough Windows XP kept working until i went to save my draft at which time XP blue screened and the laptop locked up then shut it’s self off. “That’s one way to die” I said to myself. Luckly I did a backup before I went camping last week so nothing is lost.

I just ordered a new 100gig drive from PC Mall to replace the 60gig the laptop came with. At least I’m going to have a bit more space to work with now.

All this BS doesnt solve the issue I was initially working on, configuring 40 computers to connect to our remotely hosted exchange server. Doh!