Tucker Romero Theater

Last night I was on the AVS forums looking for intro videos for my TV. People that have massive crazy ass home theaters usually play small intro videos to show off. I thought that would be fun to do and maybe play some “Lets go out to the lobby” or some other generic and old school “take me back to the good ole days” vids. I found those and MORE. A guy on the forum made this animation sequence that mimics the 20th Century Fox opening sequence as well as the Fan Fare audio that goes along with it (in AC3 format mind you!). Below are the steps I took to hack this up:

  • Download the .blender file:
  • Grab Blender (the opensource 3d animation program)
  • Install Blender and open the .blender file.
  • Right click on the text you want to change and press TAB to make it editable. Start typing in what you want. To change the size and move it around you can use the controls on the bottom right.
  • Render the file and then save it as a JPG for instant gratification.
  • Render the animation and unless you have a brand spanking new Cray, its gunna take a while to render. Mine took 6 hrs last night to complete.
  • Download VirtualDub and embed the MP3 or AC3 of the Fox Fanfare. If VirtualDub complains about the AC3, you’ll need to use VirtualDub Mod.
  • Be ghetto like me and “screen record” the video playing off of XBMC on your DLP tv and post it on the internet.