Twitter Updates for 2008-03-26
- <- Multimedia message #
- chillin with lance, talking shop #
- @RonPloof sad to say but Marketing or Customer relations. Neither are departments in my current company. #
- Good morning twitterverse. Why didnt i see any of you at the LA Podcasters meetup? 🙁 #
- @strawpoll dog #
- explaining to a coworker why you need to hold down shift and press enter vs just pressing enter in MS Word. #
- @chris_moody great seeing you last night at the meetup. #
- Yay, almost lunch time! #
- @Clintus you can preconfigured on my twitter application, I have no clue who you are 🙂 #
- @VergeFringe Thanks bro. #
- back from lunch #
- @tabz heres your answer to the gmail multi sig issue: #
- hacking some javascript with steve for a greasemonkey script to show the FLV of a ustream video. #
- @Danthol I vote for mohawk #
- Steve wrote a cool script that displays the flv url on a ustream so you can what you want with it: #