Twitter Updates for 2008-04-04

  • OS X, firewire drive keeps changing names in /Volumes from "bigone" to "bigone 1" at one point it had "bigone 2" and "bigone 1" HELP! #
  • @typicalmacuser seems like after the mac wakes up from sleep it will remount the drive as /Volumes/bigone 1 if bigone is already there. #
  • @typicalmacuser what sucks is i moved my iphotos library to it and after i wake the computer iphone cant find the library due to the name πŸ™ #
  • @typicalmacuser here’s the problem, its a WD Mybook 1TB: #
  • @typicalmacuser people are saying the FW and USB interface is jacked. remove the drive and put it in a generic enclosure fixes the problem. #
  • @typicalmacuser yeah just yank the drive from it and get a new enclosure #
  • @typicalmacuser i think mine is just 1 drive #
  • @typicalmacuser SATA since it has a eSata connector on the back #
  • @typicalmacuser yeah i did use the one that came with it… will try another in a bit #
  • @Danthol equal opportunity employer? πŸ™‚ #
  • Live in the LA area? Hack WordPress? April 6th, LA WordPress UG: #
  • [seesmic] WD MyBook + iMac issues. WordPress Users Group this Sunday in LA. – #
  • @typicalmacuser Wow, great looking app #
  • lunch done, now for a walk #
  • Listening to kevin’s tech talk show podcast. Good stuff #
  • back from walking, its in the 80 and im wearing pants, that sucks #
  • guess not, its only 73 here. #
  • editing html for the company website. #
  • no bar nuts tonight, gunna stay home and cook with jen. #