Twitter Updates for 2008-04-08
- Working through the Disney catalog with Jess. Little Mermaid is next, then fox and the hound. We watched the Lion King today. #
- #is #this #the #right #way #to #use #the #hash #mark #? #Just #checking #. #
- The morning is going slow. #
- Retweeting @brianshaler & @MightyMommy: The Mets are going to get Rick Roll’d! #
- We’re looking for promos to run on the TuckerTales next podcast. Send’em our way. #
- Lunch then a walk to clear my head. #
- @ponzarelli woah, your twitter is announcing every breath you take. #
- Question of the day: Techies and the obsession with non technical things. Some drive old cars, other garden. I wanna know why: 206-888-2537 #
- if you want to answer the question another way. #
- in a meeting #
- @yogeek <- you really are an awesome yogi! Congrats on the ad, you look great! #
- @dewelch vi is more awesomer than notepad for sure.@mrxinu even uses it in windows. #
- @drtiki on the Mac look at hazel #
- wow, flickr is doing small videos now. Cool #