Twitter Updates for 2008-04-28
- uploading tuckertales #42 #
- WAiting for podango to process my upload #
- Listening to podcast #
- Baseline: There’s Nothing Baseline About This App #
- get on the list or contact from the list. #
- @Bear1 she sure is! #
- Ben & Jerry’s free cone tomorrow (Apr 29).. guess not for me: #
- leaving to take a walk #
- back from my walk… omg it was soo hot walking out there. 95 degrees.. whew #
- @HRKittredge Woah, sorry to hear about all of that heather. 🙁 What’s the next course of action? #
- Gmail and Firefox hate eachother. #
- I called gamestop, GTA release is at midnight, they are guaranteeing that preorders will be forfilled. Lineup begins at 10:30. #