Twitter Updates for 2008-05-12
- At the ex’s house, chillin with family. #
- poolside in Huntington beach, chillin with the ex fam, BBQ, wine and good convo #
- <- Multimedia message #
- My Nokia N95 test unit arrived today. I wonder if its the same one veronica had #
- @RonPloof Awesome man, congrats. #
- @RonPloof Did they really have to mention Adam tho? #
- Retweeting @RonPloof: Nice little article on me in a local OC magazine. The reporter got most of it right:-) #
- Oh yay fun, ODBC connection out in our warehouse keep timing out. 🙁 #
- @bigshow Yeah you know me! #
- Out walking, questionable weather out tho. Didn’t being my jacket or umbrella. #
- @transmatrix wear gloves #