Twitter Updates for 2008-05-20
- @mrxinu Glad to hear! #
- Uploading photos to flickr from mothers day at the park #
- Does anyone know of a free webbased scheduling / calendar that anonymous people could post to and add events to? Let me know. #
- @femaleprodigy the problem is we dont want to force people to loging in order to add themselves to the schedule. This is for a karate class. #
- @MightyMommy twitterfone vs utterz? #
- @transmatrix I like your idea man using 1 gcal account @femaleprodigy thanks 🙂 #
- @strawpoll backpack #
- 5th sneeze today. This office drives my allergies crazy #
- @redboypodcast Play some wii 🙂 #
- @redboypodcast … wait don’t do that. #
- @twhirl is there any way to remove twitter posts from the friend feed window? Seems kinda redundant having tweets in both windows. #