Twitter Updates for 2008-06-12
- Almost to norwalk station to pickup @billpalmer #
- @strawpoll boxerbriefs #
- Our 800 number at work is speratically working, anyone else having 800 number issues? We’re on verizon. Lemme know Verizon isnt saying nutin #
- @misterjt I’m diggin The Dey – I need you. New album dropping soon. Upbeat stuff #
- lunch done, walking #
- @OnTray2Go That ontray is a pretty cool looking product. I saw you and @mightymommy talking about it. #
- Helping a co-worker figure out if she could take the metrolink from SanBernardino to Culver City to commute. #
- @MrsXinu Awesome thats gunna be fun! #
- @MightyMommy WwwwwoooooooooW WWWwwwwwwwooooooooW #