Twitter Updates for 2008-06-22
- watching 16 candles on we tv with jen #
- “dada, can you turn on that?” jess keeps asking me this during commercials. One of them is wall-e another is for toilet paper! #
- @Paisano molly was 16 when they released it. Weird jim Carey tried out for the part of ted #
- Wow lots of people on flickpulse didn’t like the happening, I liked the village, some say it wasn’t as bad as the village. Hmm, I’ll see it. #
- Jess’s bath is done, hair braided and time for sleep. more 16 candles and some yummy sweets later. #
- omg, Wanted looks like an awesome movie #
- watching drillbit taylor #
- @HRKittredge great pic #
- watching miss spider on noggin with jess, dunno what were gunna do today. #
- @chrismoody iMovie makes it easy.use tubemogul to distro it. #
- @chrismoody I did this on my site for a while look at the video section #
- I have no idea what to do with jess today. Hmm #
- Local dollar theater has horton hears a who playing at 12:15. Hmm maybe that, she’s never been to the theater before. #
- Horton Hears a Bud! Wow, their ad servering tech is kinda flawed. “Hey jess wanna see.. BUD? what the heck?” #
- – Multimedia message #