Twitter Updates for 2008-07-16

  • little girls are so mean to each other #
  • – fixing my phone bill at att to make sure everything is ok with it #
  • I setup a webdav server for syncing ical with mine and Jen’s iPhones. no cross edit syncing needed just 2 publish and subscribes. Works good #
  • the “Backing up Jason Tucker’s iPhone” process takes a long long long time. It’s like I have a 500gb iPhone or something. Rsync anyone? grr #
  • Hmm weird, every time I plugin my iPhone 2.0 I get “welcome to your new iphone” even tho its activated. wtf?!??! #
  • messing with ical with Jen. testing the webdav server and seeing how updates work #
  • @billpalmer omg.. 🙂 #
  • GeekFit Post:: JrMint Recovers #
  • Working on a cool secret project 🙂 #
  • @GrammarGirl It’s time for a pro account for flickr so you can start using “sets” for your photos. 🙂 #
  • i see that utterz has a but it looks like its made for cellphones. Anything for iphones? 🙂 #
  • @MrsXinu in a few minutes it as for me. you coming too? #