Twitter Updates for 2008-07-21
- Up late, woke late, going to be at work late. Ugggggh #
- Good monday morning. #
- Jailbreaking my iPod Touch running 2.0 #
- @scottyj Thunder from Down Under starts at 10? Now we know where to find you 🙂 #
- PwnageTool works very well so far #
- Shoot me some links, which iPhone 3G case are you using? #
- @sandieman It doesnt like your friends i suppose. #
- @megfowler Nope, as much as I talk about the stuff I do people still ask me if I can do X #
- 4 Geeks, no Bullshit (okay, maybe a little):E3 Clusterfrack- (@bigshow, @WickedGood, @jasontucker, & @transmatrix #
- Wow, I’m late on this one: load a page in safari or mail on the iphone and tap and hold on the image. Save dialog appears saves to “photos” #
- mocha vnc for the iphone works well im tweeting from a remote connection now! #
- @megfowler I saw that on Survived a Japanese Game Show, it was one of their rewards. Totally tripped me out how the fish eat dead skin. #
- I wish google docs worked on the iphone. view only isnt all that cool. #
- @twhirl Woah, thats major #
- Retweeting @twhirl: twhirl 0.8.4 released – adding and seesmic support. get it from #