Twitter Updates for 2008-08-13
- getting ready to take off here in a few. Next stop is to pickup the mixer then finally home. #
- preparting to head out to the #nme new media expo. @jentucker @billpalmer and I will be leaving in a few minutes. #
- in the car with @jentucker and @billpalmer heading to #NME #
- passing #nme old location in Ontario #
- Mcdonalds geting food in barstow #
- – In mcdonalds @billpalmer found a friend #
- Making @billpalmer listen to our eclectic music collections driving to #nme #
- @shelly few mins. #
- 11 miles to baker, get your bets ready #
- – : @shelly and @billpalmer picked 95 degrees and won our little contest #
- PSA:::: added newmediaexpo2008 and nme2008 to my flickr email autotags and to my airme tags. Save you time later and show up flickr search #
- – State line #
- Which hall is the #nme held at? D me #
- security giving me shit at the convention center #
- Dumped bill and Jen at convention cener, parking at Hilton and walking back #
- At the Hilton walking to convention center #
- In Hilton walking to com ctr #
- Monorail smonorail #
- Terry fator needs to be on Geekfit #
- Con center skywalk #
- Met tim #
- Waiting for @donttickleme at the monorail, dropping shellys box off in her room #
- Walking… Geekfit style. Sandals aren’t made for this tho #
- No stands pa. Am I missing something? #