Twitter Updates for 2008-08-19
- Recording Live: # - Recording Live: # - – Hacienda Christian Fellowship – The red church in La Puente Ca. #
- At the urgent care. Front of shoulder and hand both hurt. Shoulder has an internal burning sensation #
- Told the reception that its moving up my neck they brought me in quickly, checked my heart rate, pressure & EKG. Thinks it is muscle related #
- Also the doc said “right side isnt the side you need to worry about, its the left for this sort of heart scare” whew.. muscle relaxer next. #
- Muscle relaxer I took last night knocked me the hell out. Woke up at 6:00 when i should have woke at 4:45. Now late at work 🙁 #
- @kitykity gravatar and mybloglog are 2 must ahves #
- Asking: Force chat open on LIVE embed for #
- Recording Live: # - Walking 3miles today #
- 3 mile walk.. wow was that HOT.. wtf was i thinking wearing jeans!?!??! #
- Reading: “Stryde Hax: Hack the Olympics!” ( ) #
- Reading Tim’s post about NME: Leave a comment! #