Twitter Updates for 2008-09-04
- Batman was awesome. Now for a crepe. #
- @Paisano I only stop following someone if they are annoying. #
- Do linkedin users put their account url on their resume? I’m thinking of doing so since I have great recommendations on there. thoughts? #
- Meeting with a recruiter at 1:30 in irvine. Anyone in irvine wanna do lunch? #
- Wanted jailbreak app that backs up your SMS. I’m tired of seeing apps that want you to use their webservice for SMS backup #
- Btw I can do this by hand, I’m just tired of seeing more of the same. #
- 30 mins early for my meeting #
- Talk talk talk #
- Lesson one: list every tech job on your resume #
- Lesson two: buzzwords are good keep the one you don’t want out so you don’t get calls about them. #
- Parking was 9 dollars… WTF? #