Twitter Updates for 2008-09-05

  • How many of you twinkle LA locals listen to podcasts? #
  • @TheGeeksWife hang in the girl. #
  • @TheGeeksWife ok so twitter on the iPhone makes me even more error prone. I ment to say “hang in there girl” #
  • Having a few problems with Animoto upgraded HD service. Contacted support 9 hours ago and its stll not working right. Waiting to hear back. #
  • Retweeting @bre: My TV pilot is going to air on TV! It’s called History Hacker! 9/26 9PM History Channel DVR IT!!! #
  • Massive fan of @bre work and love the fact that his jumpcut style will be seen on the History channel 🙂 #
  • Digg Digg Digg Digg: #
  • @drewolanoff good on you bro 🙂 #
  • @fjurden lock would come from locking on a target. so find your target and unload on em #
  • iPhone to be sold on 9/7/08 in 900 Best Buy stores with a 1 hour appointment #
  • Bre Pettis will have his new pilot “History Hacker” on history channel Sept 26th @9PM. DVR / TIVO digg digg digg digg: #
  • @MBL I’m one of them. Systems Engineer and no job just yet. #
  • @russturley I havent blogged about it just yet, been too buys looking to talk about it #
  • I’m curious what method apple used for their app installation and upgrades. Apt? Doubt it. #
  • @Twitterrific crashes for me after taking a photo with cam then uploading. Rebooted the iPhone. #
  • Job hunting poolside while watching jess swim. She keeps splashing me and my iPhone. #
  • @chrismoody only if you help me 🙂 #
  • are we linked in? We should be, add #
  • @chrismoody peter? #