Twitter Updates for 2008-09-15

  • Recording live:
    [qik] – playing outside #
  • Recording live:
    [qik] – playing outside #
  • Recording live:
    [qik] – playing outside #
  • Yes, I did watch the damn show.. man this guy got the worst directions! $100k.. nope. #
  • @skyvan Thanks, my mom lives a few hundred miles away so Qik has been a godsend for stuff like that. #
  • @sdreinhart1975 is a perfect example of why i jailbreak my phone. #
  • @irinaslutsky Triumph was pretty damn awesome there. #
  • BarCamp LA 6 – Sign up! #
  • Looking for SysAdmin work in the LA area. Windows, Mac, Linux.. lemme know. jason (at) jasontucker (d0t) us #
  • @cheapdate No, not yet 🙂 I’m a california guy, kinda hard to get me to move away from this place. WA, OR, AZ maybe.. #
  • @dswiese w00t, thanks. I owe ya a beer #
  • Love Paramore’s redition of “My Hero” #
  • @dswiese true… cost me to much to get you a beer up there anyhow.. flight and all #
  • @sdreinhart1975 The nokia N95 I had was one I was testing for them. I own the iphone why not use what I have? #
  • Gunna get out of the house for a while, taking this to panera. #
  • Recording live:
    [qik] – Walking to Panara #
  • At panera chillin… Walked here #
  • Found a seat, it’s crowded here. #
  • I’m officially allergic to my “office” er.. bedroom or the annoying 1/2 dead smoking neighbor who’s smoke gets into my bedroom window. #
  • Recording live:
    [qik] – Playing with Jess at the park #