Twitter Updates for 2008-09-27

  • RT: Nationwide drinking game tonight: #obamashot for every time Obama says “change” and #mccainshot every time McCain says “my friends” #
  • Love the fact that @bre did twitter based commentary on the episode of Hacking History. #
  • Woah, @bre is on MSNBC: #
  • #current is doing well for opening a backchannel #
  • – Watching the debate on the tv and laptop with the family. #current #
  • McCain is addressing jim and not the camera. Obama is talking to the camera #current #
  • Orgy? #current #
  • how many shots is “mavrick” worth again? #
  • oh damn , WMD #current #
  • um waiting for McCain to saw some other words my grandparents say. #
  • is jim reading the #current feed or something? #
  • hmm, that’s what 5k in foundation looks like in HD. #current #
  • Healthcare please… #current #
  • #mccainshot. Drink drink drink #
  • Did you watch History Hacker last night? What an awesome episode. Bre needs your help: Leave a comment somewhere. #