Twitter Updates for 2008-10-08
- So far appletv trumps mac mini in terms of money spent to get a media center setup. mac mini has more horse power and can be used as a comp. #
- Getting gas then home #
- Watching Sleeping Beauty… Jessalyn makes a better door than a window #
- @russturley you can run boxee on the mini and would have the same exp as on the apple tv but with more horsepower. #
- @PodCulture I have a 360 and an old xbox hacked with xbmc #
- @boxee buy a used appletv or wait for the new one? Which to buy used? Same speed on each rev on the current ver? #
- – My girls watching Sleeping Beauty together. #
- want a boxee invite? D me your email. #
- Driving to work, OC Podcasters meeting tonight, new location! #
- – My trip tonight OC Podcasters. Google says 1h45m to get there. I’m leaving at 5.. I may be late 🙁 #
- – Breakfast #
- Reading: “Digg – The truth behind the “$3 million dollar projector”” ( ) #