Twitter Updates for 2008-10-16
- Leaving work… bank, home then dinner with the family. #
- Stupid street traffic. We need to move closer to a freeway. #
- Charter support is annoying.they just forwarded me to the spanish speaking department #
- @zaldor man, there are even more than that. I was looking at the techcrunch list and omg.. way to many #
- @sdreinhart1975 Once you jailbreak you can change a token that will stop apple from getting in and removing stuffs. BossTools is the app #
- @zaldor I use 1password on the mac, i dont even know my passwords #
- internet is up and running at home… well, walking not running. Having the tech come out tomorrow to replace the cable modem box. #
- Planning and eat in dinner with the wife and kid. It’s been a pretty busy week both home and work. I’m hearing next week is gunna be CRAZY #