Twitter Updates for 2008-10-23
- #geekfit #
- Arrived to my meeting location 1/2 Hr early. #
- Going into work late today big update at work so I’m going to be there VERY late. I still plan on taking a walk anyhow. #geekfit #
- Posted video from our latest OC Podcasters meeing. #
- Late night at work tonight, work provided us with healthy and non healthy snacks for the long haul. I pick the healthy #geekfit #
- @boogah I wonder if the twitpic would get him busted. #
- @boogah Looking forward to this weekend bro, should be a great time. #
- @tiwwh Regarding the local meetups for riverside. Sadly no, Typicalmacuser victor lives in that area and has to drive out to meet us. #