Twitter Updates for 2008-10-25

  • Line out the door at panda #
  • Picking up kids from their dads. #
  • This morning at 5:30 the power went out for the rnhire block. My UPS woke us. #
  • Track barcampla #
  • Track bcla #
  • Watching jen’s craft booth #
  • @skyvan I’ll be there at 2ish #
  • Yay Jen sold some earrings! #
  • The monster sized sunglasses trend needs to die. #
  • @PodcastJunky me too! #
  • @PodcastJunky almost there. #
  • @PodcastJunky 5 mons away #
  • Arrived at mahalo, thanks @PodcastJunky for your parking spot. #
  • Recording live:
    [qik] – Barcampla #
  • Ove at Track 4 for the Wiordpress group. #
  • LAWPUG for a Los Angeles WordPress users group #barcampla #
  • im in the amazon ec2 room at #barcampla #