Twitter Updates for 2008-11-05
- Monitoring CNN and other places online about the election. #
- CNN is doing the hologram thing.. silly really.’ #
- @JacobMorales Glad you voted #
- @jacobmorales hehe #
- @jacobmorales does that still count when palin takes in 09? After mccain kicks it? #
- @JacobMorales Obama won, how much? Dinner on me? #
- 338 and climbing, awesome. #
- GeekFit Post:: Podcast #32 – (360) 450-5026 #
- @PodCulture I don’t do a very good job at it tho, so that helps 🙂 #
- sucks 8 is going to pass 🙁 #
- After seeing @evo_terra ‘s tweet, wow, it looks like I’m owning Whittier, CA as well @grader #
- @abkimes : Found you through Twitter Grader ( #
- @ninjabetic : Found you through Twitter Grader ( #
- @Obsy : Found you through Twitter Grader ( #
- Adding some of the Whittier Elite twittererererers to my list #
- @jentucker at 10am? wtf? #
- setup my imac and my hack book pro to use 1passwd over a file sharing service. working well to keep both computer passwords synced #
- lots of coughing today.. sucks. Boss is out sick with a sore throat. #
- @hellyeahdude boxee, will solve all your problems i hear. #
- Uploading my NaPodPoMo 4 finally. #
- @hellyeahdude Well you install Boxee on the appletv via a specially cooked up usb stick. #
- @hellyeahdude might help you on your boxee appletv journey. #
- @roneyzone Wow, out of context that just sounds wrong. #
- @jtucker ?What do you usually listen to. If you say hiphop your my name doppleganger. #