Twitter Updates for 2009-01-05

  • Man, going into work after 5 days off is rough. #
  • forgot to renew / pay godaddy for . Just paid them the annual domain fee so it should be back up in a few hours i suppose. #
  • Wife’s WD MyBook 1TB Essential drive failed on her. I dont think I’ll be buying another like this anytime soon: #
  • spammer hacked into one of my wordpress installs that I neglected used to navigate the files on the site. #
  • Replaced all of the files and nuked stuff that wasnt suppose to be in there. spammer left his hack tools im checking them out now #
  • Jason Cosper wrote a great write up on how to cleanup from wordpress hacks.. #
  • Going home. #
  • – Looks like Jessalyn (3 years old) can’t have a facebook account. Guess well try again in 10. #
  • checking out has a cool interface #
  • Finished listening to Llap 100, I laughed so hard at the end I ended up spitting my drink out in front of some one. #
  • 2.5 mi walk #geekfit style. Listened to LLAP 100 and A Geek and His Wife (sans wife this ep). Its 80 degrees here at work..kinda hot out. #
  • Watching Step Brothers omfg… #
  • Looks like I’m getting out of here in 30 mins 🙂 #
  • QuickPoll: Men, how much do you tip your hair dresser / barber? #
  • RT @leolaporte: So it was a leap year bug. The 30GB Zunes will start working again tomorrow. #
  • 5 teen females have left the building. After proper vent I’ll be able to breathe again. #
  • watching Elton John rock the keys and Carson on tv freezing his ass off #
  • Apparently Texas Instruments is playing next at Carson’s Countdown. #
  • Install of iAtkos i5 on my HP Pavilion went well.. problem with the new AR5BXB6: “AtherosController.cpp loaded unsuccessfully” grrrrrrrrrrr #
  • – Ringing in the new year 2009 #
  • Yay 2009.. < 1 hour until i pickup the oldest at her friends house. #
  • watching rose parade countdown on local la tv. I always wondered how the rose parade is covered in other states. #
  • I’ve gotten 10 of these spams this morning. I’m gunna start fwding them to @scottyj #
  • New years breakfast #
  • More yummy new years breakfast. #
  • Off to the park with Jessalyn #
  • – Look what I can do Dad! #
  • – I got it Dad! #
  • Getting ready to record with @mrxinu our next episode of #geekfit #
  • Thinking about recording video this episode.. I wonder if @mrxinu would let me. #
  • Being antisocial with the fam but editing #GeekFit there is only so much of me i suppose. #
  • tempted to break up geekfit into small chunks and pay people on amazon’s mechanical turk to transcribe the show. read someone did that b4 #
  • 1 kid at her friends house. Other playing xbox #
  • #GeekFit Podcast editing done. Uploading and preparing to post. #
  • Got the 2 bits of content done for GeekFit finally. Podcast and Video edited, uploaded and posted. Whew.. #
  • So slow at work our lead let us go home. #
  • Recording barnuts tonight at @scottstyss place @7. TuckerTales sometime this weekend #
  • I hate that iPhone’s iTunes Store app lacks a proper browse function for podcasts. Listing the featured only doesn’t help me much. #
  • Great now i’m sitting here waiting for her. #
  • Http:// recording tonight, been a while since I’ve been on the show. Stoked to be back! #
  • checking out EventBox for the Mac that @majornelson suggested: #
  • Is it bad I cohost a fitness Podcast (Geekfit) and I am a regular on a Podcast in a bar (barnuts)? #
  • Getting ready to record Barnuts with Scott #
  • Our neighbors are singing the camp rock sing long karaoke next door open at midnight! #
  • My Twitemperature is an ice cold 30°F (-1°C)! #
  • awake fixing a server at work… from home whew! #
  • Ok, thats fixed.. only took 30-40 minutes.. back to bed. #
  • Finished editing and now rendering out some video of me *kicking some guys ass* on XBL playing Rockband 2 on expert #
  • Posted ‘TuckerTales – Jason vs Rockstars of Xbox Live’ to #
  • At the park with jess. A bit overcast today but a nice temp to run around and play. #
  • RT If you get a DM link & it redirects to what looks like a Twitter login – DO NOT LOG IN! It’s a phish site #
  • I come home to “ah man, Jessalyn’s here.. ok we gotta stop playing Left for Dead now..” #
  • Got a few friends getting the awesome dreamhost deal: Get 24 Mo Hosting + Domain for $11. I pay full price & like them #
  • Phishing site + everyone changing their password = broken API auths for all the sites that tap into your account. May be a good thing. #
  • Im getting a lot of views of the vid of me sucking at RockBand 2 against some badass random bandmates playing death metal: #
  • Date win @jentucker tonight to see THE teenage chick flick of 2008. #
  • At the movies with @jentucker gunna watch Twilight. Looks like were in a room with other parents that didn’t see it yet too. #
  • Good on you, I’m certless. What are you working on? #
  • Teaching jess how to throw a tea party with her dollies. Shea feeding them food and pouring them drinks #
  • Why is there only 100 people there? #
  • Tea party in full effect. #
  • Going to costco for pizza and hot dogs with Jess. #
  • Jess is feeding the birds pat of her hotdog bun at costco food court #
  • – This is for the birds! #
  • Just for the Dads: What activities do you do with your < 5yr olds on the weekends? #
  • Block ilindsay #
  • Unfollow ilindsay #
  • – Twitter spammers hitting hard #
  • Waiting the the uber slow in-n-out line #
  • check your sent messages and make sure you’re not spamming DM’s on twitter. if so change your pwd #