Twitter Updates for 2009-01-12

  • I hate “Attention! Someone Signed Your Guestbook Last Month” why cant people just be on facebook? I dont wanna spend $ to see. #
  • View of the mnts from my car as I’m getting in it to head home. #
  • Traffic sucks. #
  • – Following mac rumors live on my iPhone. #
  • Wow, new iphoto has face detection, place detection (gps) and built in facebook and flickr exporting (no more 3rd party plugins needed) #
  • oh man, someones hacked into their live feed over at macrumors #
  • – WTF? Steve jobs just died is what macrumors just said in their stream #
  • – Guess they retracted on his death. #
  • watching this instead: #
  • I’m curious if the itunes store being avail over 3G includes over 10mb songs??? if so i wonder if podcasts over 10mb are included as well? #
  • Twitter dead? it’s been 35 mins since the last tweet that was posted in my following timeline. #
  • Twitter’s “XX minutes ago” is just messed up. still getting twitters just not with the correct time ago listed. #
  • Others are seeing this problem too: minutes ago.. hmm. Yay MacWorld! #
  • Any track bought prior to today from iTunes’ store can upgrade to a 256-kbps, DRMfree version for 30 cents. A right-click to convert to MP3 #
  • Looking forward to iLife09 #
  • TuckerTales tonight? Maybe… Depends on @jentucker bug her. #
  • Omg., f’ing traffic! #
  • At puffy taco, @jeroldssis brother in law is parked next to me getting food too. #
  • RT @PodcastJunky: Geologic Podcast – George Hrab Meet up in So Cal Wednesday night #
  • after 10pm im gunna email oc podcasters about the upcoming meeting happening later this month. More details soon. #
  • Searched and found some local Whittier folks to follow on twitter. #
  • Emailed OC Podcasters mailing list telling everyone meeting is scheduled for Jan 21st at Sam Ash in West Minster. More details soon. #
  • GeekFit Question: what’s your fave non fit food and what’s the best healthy alt for it? Include #Geekfit when you answer. RT if you like. #
  • Going home. #
  • Loving the comments were getting over at #
  • RT @QtipTheAbstract: The autotune is a clear sign of technology in the wrong handz. #
  • RT @maccast: Off to get ready for Podcaster meetup at 6:30 in room 133 Moscone North. Hope to see some of you there #
  • Potty training… Fun stuff. #
  • Laptop + tinkerbell DVD + potty traing seat = jess getting up less. #
  • iPhone charging at googles booth? How much stuff is there to see while getting a decent charging any how? #
  • Very interesting article jay found. @jsmooth995: I tried to tell y’all that “conversate” is a word!! #
  • Wow, jess has been *trying* for the last hour… Wow. #
  • Twilight is @jentucker ‘s version of WoW.. without the chinese gold farners #
  • thinking of dumping my DVR / Dish service for boxee on an apple tv. Have you done this? how did it work out for you? #
  • Wow, video podcasts on Boxee.. even better. Rt @consultski: #boxee RSS feeds documented, THX! #
  • Searching for boxee tweets but not suggestions using -“check it out” on #
  • – I’m going to have nightmares now. #
  • Earthquake! #
  • I’m at work still #
  • Heading home. #
  • – OMG this “bump it” thing on tv to make your hair bigger looks like it would hurt. #
  • – Ramsmobile driving around. #
  • – Not the best Salisbury steak I’ve had.. #Geekfit #
  • Going home, long day today. #
  • Got my roll your own fake DVR setup at home. Now to get an appletv with boxee for my bday on the 22nd. #
  • At the park with jess. #
  • Just saw stephanie at the park. She’s here for a bday party with her family. #
  • – Playing with panolab while jess is playing. #
  • Jess took a nap and now were back at the park playing some more. #
  • Kinda wish I was a CES with @billpalmer oh well next year. #
  • #GeekFit and @mrxinu inspired wallpaper on my hackintosh. Awesomeness #
  • Woot, my 3 year old has figured out Boxee.. shes watching sesame street podcasts on there. #
  • Fable 2 dlc comes out this week. #
  • Merry-go-round fun at the park #
  • Random 4 year old at the park tells my “lemme tell you sumpin, my gamma is far way”. Ugh ok #
  • What a cool idea #