I’m always looking for new things to inspire me in my work. Running my own company and not having anyone on staff to bounce ideas off of can seem tricky at times. Inspiration comes in may forms, and one of them for me is podcasting. I like the idea of listening to conversations even if I’m not able to participate.
Here are my fave WordPress and Web Developer podcasts:
ShopTalk Podcast – A live show about front end web design. By Chris Coyer and Dave Rupert
Your Website Engineer – Your Resource for WordPress with Dustin Hartzler
WP Late NIght is a roundtable discussion podcast about WordPress and the community surrounding it. Hosts Brad Williams, Dre Armeda, and Ryan Imel.
Aftertaste is the WPCandy show that starts when our other shows stop. Listen to casual WordPress talk with show co-hosts and interviewees.
CSS-Tricks Screencasts By Chris Coyier – CSS-Tricks Screencasts is focused on showing you tips, tricks, techniques about web design.
In Beta By 5by5 – In Beta is a talk show about the ever-changing state of web-based and open source software. Hosted by Gina Trapani & Kevin Purdy.
I’ll post my other fave podcasts at a later date. I’d love to add more to this list, if you know of any leave them in the comments below and I’ll share them here. What do you listen to?