Weekend Fitness Recap - Kayaking & Cycling

We had some great times together with family this weekend. I spent some time with my youngest daughter Kayaking and Bike Riding with her and tracked it all using the tools (RunKeeper & LoseIt!) I introduced you to in my previous post.
We went to our aunt’s house in Newport and did some kayaking. We didn’t do a full day of kayaking but we capped off the evening with 30 minutes of it:
I’ve gone Kayaking before so I wasn’t all that scared to go while wearing Google Glass. I did learn that after dragging out the kayak to the water that I breath very heavy 🙂 I’d love to see how much this changes as I progress, getting winded doing physical activities sucks.
We went to the local bike shop and had my son’s 10 speed repaired and I bought a new seat for my mountain bike. To try it out we went bike riding a few times:
Bike riding with my daughter Jessalyn has been a lot of fun. She took a while to learn out to ride her bike but finally just decided to learn how to do it that day. Since then we havent had a chance to go bike riding together, I think my health and fitness efforts are going to get us out there more! I did my tracking with RunKeeper which then posted over to LoseIt with no extra effort on my part.
What did you do this weekend? Leave me a comment in the box below