Wordpress / Mypress / Livepress

So with help from “eff” I finally got my wordpress blog to post to not only LJ but also to Myspace. So why does this all matter? Why cant people just come to my website and read my post? I dunno, I guess some of them are lazy 🙂 I think by posting my entries to more than 1 place, I’m making it so people can keep in touch with me and make it easier for them to read whats going on in my life (like anyone cares cept my wife and kids). I have a couple of friends that subscribe to me via RSS on my wordpress blog, a lot that read me on LJ and a couple that read me on myspace.

So what was the problem? A couple of things.. For one I went and grabbed the latest copy of LivePress here: http://www.everytomorrow.org/archives/2005/05/19/livepress-for-151 and that ended up showing just the Current Music: Current Mood: boxes, but it didnt include the “Synch Journal” checkbox. Lame… then I remembered reading something about a pathing issue. So I went and updated the paths in LivePress to they looked like this:

require_once(ABSPATH .'wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/LivePress.config.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable-functions.php');

require_once(ABSPATH .'wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lptags.php');
require_once(ABSPATH .'wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpmoods.php');
require_once(ABSPATH .'wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpmusic.php');
require_once(ABSPATH .'wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpextras.php');
require_once(ABSPATH .'wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpsynch.php');

Then I refreshed the WordPress Post page and wah-la it was displaying all the missing checkboxes and dropdowns. Hopefully me posting this, and someone googles for this issue will find my page and hopefully it will help them fix it.