Wordpress Plugin: Kramer

I didn’t realize the power this plugin had. From the plugin site is says this as the description:

Kramer is a plugin that will add inbound links to a post on your weblog as a pingback or comment. What this means is that when a post in blog A links to a post in blog B, blog B will find the inbound link and add it as a pingback or a general comment, without the need for the author of the post on blog A to send a ping to blog B. The way it finds the new links is by searching Technorati for all new inbound to a particular post.

What this means is that pingback/traceback/trackback and other post-pinging tools are no longer required, as all links to a post will be found and shown as either pingbacks or general comments. To show links to the main weblog, or to other pages in general, a function called kramer_inbound() is provided. It can be used in WordPress templates to display a list of the latest inbound links to that page. It is usually included in the sidebar of a blog and can be fully configured via the Kramer administration interface.

So yaddy yaddy, what does that all mean? Well, it reads the links that you put in your posts and it pings them, then it does the same of inbound links to you. Tonight I thought I would scan through all my plugins I have enabled and installed and make sure they were up to date (some one really needs to come up with a way for the plugin page to “ping” the plugin authors site and test to see if each plugins has a new version). Kramer came up, I must have installed it but didnt know the power it had. So Xinu, Kris.. make sure you give this Kramer plugin a looksee.