Xbox Update

Are you ready for a recap? I know I am! Giddyup: I told abstrak01 that
5 days of playing would be ideal… so last week there was some extra
effort to get us there. Good job! Our gamerscore jumped 240 points
which was nice. Getting 5 achievements has that effect.

In the ‘new game’ category, I only have one to talk about…
Assassin’s Creed. I wasn’t even going to mention it, but I figured my
readers might get mad. So there it is. Oh, and abstrak01 must have
been in the mood to shoot things last week. We played some serious
FPS! Halo 3 was the favorite game. He played it on 4 of the days.

So that’s it for now. It was a good week. On to the next one.
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