What tools I use produce & promote WPwatercooler

I've been thinking about the video production stack I use for recording, streaming, transcribing, subtitling, repurposing, and promoting WPwatercooler on social media. I thought I'd share what I'm using. If you've used something different, I'd love to know what you are using. If you have any questions about my setup, please give me a shout on socials (see footer), and I can help you out.
Some of the links below are affiliate links, I'm sharing my video production stack as a way to help others and maybe I make a few bucks off of it as well.
Streamyard is like a full suite video studio. It allows me to have people on the show using an invite code, and it enables both me and my guests to stream to our own destinations, where people can watch on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. It records multitrack as well as a single mp3, and lets you download both audio and video. It's great, and I haven't found anything like it that is fully browser-based. A close second is Riverside.fm, but I haven't used that yet, though I have heard good things.
My affiliate link for Streamyard
For editing, transcribing, and subtitles, I use Descript. I don't do much editing, but for transcribing and subtitling, it's an awesome way to take the multitrack audio from Streamyard, bring it into Descript, have it remove all the 'ums' and 'ahs' from the audio, and then transcribe it so I can post that transcription on the website as well as the subtitles for YouTube. A far second is MacWhisper, which can do multitrack audio, but the format of the transcript isn't great, and I really wish it were better.
VidIQ & TubeBuddy
I've been using VidIQ and TubeBuddy for years, and they both provide some of the same features as well as some different ones for YouTube channel management. They offer channel statistics, keyword tools, competitor comparisons, trend alerts, thumbnail generators, and the list goes on. My favorite is the keyword tools, letting me research what keywords others are using and then collecting them to use later on my own videos, seeing which are popular and what can better describe my content. They work well for me and my needs. Try them both and see which one works for you. For me, TubeBuddy seems to be the best, but I use the free version of VidIQ since it has some interesting features too.
Opus Clip
A newcomer to my one-man-army stack is Opusclip. This tool lets me take a YouTube video I've uploaded or streamed and generate vertical video for YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram with ease. Using AI, it can generate multiple videos from fun, entertaining, and insightful parts of your content, and then add baked-in captions to the video so it's engaging and easy to consume. A close second is Repurpose.io, which has a lot of the same features but packaged a bit differently.
My Repurpose.io Affiliate Link
My secret sauce in all of this is using ChatGPT to organize my content in such a way that it's easy to just copy and paste into YouTube using some of the content collected above.
I built a custom "GPT" called Post Production WPwatercooler Jobs that lets me upload the TEXT transcript and paste in the URL of the YouTube video and the URL for the WPwatercooler post. From there, it has a series of subjobs that it completes and puts together to make the content I need for the website, YouTube, podcast, and social media posts, all from the transcript of the show we just recorded.
I won't share with you my entire GPT, but this can get you started:
Your role is to process transcripts from a podcast called WPwatercooler, a WordPress podcast hosted by Jason Tucker, Sé Reed, and Jason Cosper, along with various guests. Your primary tasks are to create a summary and generate YouTube chapters from each episode's transcript. Provided will be the following inputs:
YouTube URL
wpwatercooler.com post URL
uploaded transcript
From there, I have it take data from one task and add it to the next, and the end result is pasteable content I can put onto the various services that host our content.